Montag, 12. November 2012

The secret life a Tunisian girl

“You would be wrong to assume that I never questioned my choice, if a choice is what we call it, and there is also the occasional ‘what if?’ However I feel like there was no other way for me. “. Says Aisha (who chose not to disclose her real name) “I was young and naïve; I was brought up in a highly conservative entourage, and that was the case of everyone living in rural areas. Only few girls were lucky enough to go to schools, the rest had to work as housekeepers in far away cities to provide some income for their families. I was one of the lucky few. I was a brilliant child, they told me, I had an unusual hunger for knowledge, and I devoured books and asked for more. As a reward I would spend the summer holiday with my uncle who lives in the city. I was 6 years old when I first visited him. The house they lived in was the property of his wife. They lived there alone for they were not able to have children. I will not bore you with details. During the period I spent with them, my uncle kept on sexually abusing me. I was too young to understand what was going on, and he would not stop no matter how hard I begged. When I turned twelve, I started refusing to go to his place. My mother was suspicious of my behavior and kept on asking me questions. When I tried telling the true reasons of my refusal, she did not believe me and I was punished severely for ‘inventing lies’” our speaker breaks down in tears and tries to hide it but fails to do so, she gradually calms down and carries on telling her bitter story “for the next 3 years I had to work and study at the same time, because my father said that it was either this or no school at all. It was hard. I had to wake up at 4 o’clock in the morning and work with him and my other siblings in the little land we owned, then I would go to school all dirty and hungry. My classmates made fun of me and mocked me. Some teachers refused to have me in their classes because of the conditions of my clothes and my appearance. It was hard and I had to endure a lot for a girl in my age. I managed to pass my classes, and move on to high school. My father strongly refused that and threatened me verbally and physically, and then he decided that he would not pay for the books and the transportation fares. Daily I had to walk 6 kilometers when going to and coming from my high school. It was painful and tiring but I had no other choice. I would work harder to make my life better. I was willing to make that compromise. I passed high school and got my bachelor degree. It was the happiest day of my life. I was now free, I thought. I was going to the big city to pursue my dreams. I was going to college. Needless to say that my parents, yet again, strongly objected to my choice, they threatened me daily and took pleasure in torturing me, literally. Yet it meant nothing because my mind and heart were set. Anyhow, I got settled in Tunis and found a job. I soon met someone. He was very charming and had a way with words, he promised heaven but delivered hell. It was stupid of me to believe him. I should have known better. Anyways, I got pregnant and as soon as I told him, he fled. At first, he wouldn’t take my calls, then he changed his number and I never saw him again. I did not know what to do. I was pregnant at 19 and had no body to turn to for help or advice. Like any teenager, the idea of suicide crossed my mind. But I was too scared to go there. A friend of mine offered help. She said that she would help me find a way out of it, of course I agreed. I had no other choice. The pregnancy was in its early stages so it was possible to have an abortion. To be honest, I was relieved. However, I lost my job. This friend offered help, again, saying that I can work with her. Well, I do not know if it was working the right term for what she was doing. She said that we would go out with guys on dates, have fun, maybe drink a little bet and that was all. Again, the fool I was I believed her and made the biggest mistake of life. Each week we meet new men we have “private parties” with them , orgies if you ask me, one thing leads to another and the next thing you are sharing more than a few sips of wine. At first, it was hard for me to adjust, but as time passed by I realized that this was the only way, the only easy way. The money was good and I got to pay college fees, get books and clothes, and even rent a house. My family did not care, I sent them money, and they accepted it without questions asked. They did not care and never asked about the source of money. This was my new life. And still is. I am not proud of it. I cannot blame anyone but myself. My life, my decisions.”
selyana september 2012

Freitag, 13. Januar 2012


منين باش نبدى نبارك في هالثورة المجيدة (ثورة الياسمين شم وتعدى ) من : بن علي وزوجته اللي يعيشوا فين بيت ربي معززين مكرمين ، الى صخر الماطري وزوجته بالبيت الفاخر والحياة الكريمة في قطر الى بلحسن الطرابلسي وعائلته على اليالي في الكازينوات والايام الحلوة في محطات التزلج ، الاقامة الفاخرة التي يحظى بها الطرابلسية في السجون الفاخرة ، عائلة بن مبروك البريئة التي ما انفكت تعاون في اقتصاد البلاد بمشاريعهم وبنوكهم المكتسبة الكل بعرق الجبين بعد الثورة ، الى شهبندر التجار الهادي الجيلاني وذلك بعد تولي الشيخ مورو الدفاع عنه كرمز من رموز الثورة(ومادام سيدنا الشيخ عطا فيه كلمة ما يجي كان رجل صالح ومتدين وربي يزيدو مادامو يدفع الزكاة فانو يخدم البلاد) الى السيد الباجي قائد السبسي بعد توليه رآسة الوزارة وتقاضيه لمبلغ 245000 دينار كمنحة على تواضعو انو سير البلاد ، الى سيد فرحات الراجحي الي بعد كلمة الحق الي قالها ماعادش عندو الحق في ادلاء اي تصريح وكان يدور يمين او يسار طيحلو حصانتو ، الى السيد المنصف المرزوقي برآسته للجمهورية بعد سنوات النضال الطويلة في بلاد الكفار الي طالما يستعمرو فينا و ذلك بعد نزعه للكرافات الي كان مرغم على ارتداءها كما كان مرغما على مساندة الكفار ايتام فرنسا الذين خرجوا للشارع لتحقيق مسار الثورة واتباع ايديولجياتهم حتى نصل الى ما نبتغي ( بالطبيعة دكتورنا الحقوقي نحى عنو كل هذه المميزات لانو الكرسي الجديد بعد الثورة لازمو واحد يقبض ويهدد الكفار فالاسلام هو الحل )، الى شيخنا راشد الغنوشي( الذي طالما اقر ان الخروج عن الحاكم امر لا يجوز في الشريعة وان النسب والعلاقات ليس لها مكان في التعينات بل الكل في ميزان واحد الا وهي الكفاءة) بتقمصه مركز سفير النوايا الحسنة (ولو انو ما نعرفوش مركزو شنوة ) الي خلا سيدنا يعمل دورة شاطح باطح بين امريكيا وتركيا وقطر ، نبارك ايضا الىً الاخ حمادي جبالي بمناسبة توليه رآسة الوزارة الا هو المبشر لنا بالاشارة الربانية وتحرير القدسً (و حليفنا الاستراتيجي في المنطقة الولايات المتحدة الاسلامية بامريكا)، الى السيدة العقربي على الحياة التي تلقاها في عاصمة الانوار بعد تسهيل سفرها على متن الخطوط التونسية ، الى سمير الوافي و رجوع برنامجه في الصراحة نهضة الذي ما انفك به يدعم المسار الاعلامي الحر والمستقل ، الى الحركات السلفية الجهادية لتي اصبحت تلاقي الدعم ولو حتى بالحياد في ظل قيادتنا المنتخبة المطولة الجديدة ( من اعتصام في الكليات ودفاع عن الموقوفين المتهمين في الخارج وصولا بالامر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر ولو حتى كان ثمن ذلك تعطيل سير الاقتصاداو قتل ابرياء ) . لن ننسى طبعا السيد العجيمي على الترقية بما انو كان عضو فعال في الثورة والقناصة الكل الي احنا غلطنا في حقهم والي هومااول ناس تاثرت بالثورة هاذي وعرضت صدورها للحجر وتعرضت للاشتم من قبل فئة تفسد في البلاد (ربي يهديهم الي كانو سبب الكرتوشً كان دفاعا عن النفس) ... وبالطبيعة القائد الاعلى للقوات المسلحة الي مالجيشً والدفاع مشا القطر يجيبلنا في الاستثمارات ....هكا انشاء نكون ما نسيت حد ما باركتلوش على هذه الثورة المجيدة ، وكانكم على ابناء الشعب المتضررين ( من جرحى او العاطلين عن العمل ) والامهات الي مازالت تبكي على اولادها ما عليهم كان يكبسو رواحهم ويفيقوا مالنوم يشدو ترينو الثورة جاية يلقاوشي بلاصة ويخطاوهم من شعارات الفارغة كيما شغل حرية كرامة وطنية خاطر الحكاية ظهرت ما توصلش كل عام وبلاد العجاءب بخير .وانا كانكم عليا فبربي اعطيوني بلاكا نحب زاكاتاكا !!

Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

Força lé tou3ad ya madam sou3add!!

Ba3d mé 5ergetena sayedet tounes aloula w 9altena rana bech njibou sa7a w ta3lim .... Mel bazarrr mta3 london 7atta tattha9f lmra etounseya wetwalli mastoura lyoum nel9aou rwe7na m3a chaba7 ethani lel majless etafsisi madam sou3bolla 3ala wazn cha3bola fi aouel força 3a live te3lemna elli omahet tounes el 3azibet lezemhom min tawa ya ychoufou courda behya yé ygal3ou mil blédd !!!! Ey n3am sou3bolla 9altena yelli mathlouma wm3arssa 3orffi wmal9itech lchkoun techki , yelli ghlott fi soghrek wmel9itech 9anoun ya7mik , wyelli ... Rana a7na menech taliban na7na ntab9ou fi islem 7adethi mafamech jald wrajm juste rana manech mest3rfin bikom wentom choufou chta3mlou 7arbchou endbou naw7ou a7r9ou lkol mechi lel masl7a . Eyyyy ya sou3bollah pharmacienne wtefhmelha chbik rahou lmojtama3 tounssi fih ken lmra lmedeyna el moslima elli mi dar lejeme3 w mejeme3 ldar el be9i lkol rahom wasmt 3arrrr lyoum 9oltena haka w ghodwa ech bech ta3mel bel 32% elli mtalginnn ? Barri ha sou3bollah yothhorli fik enti w bint le5riji ghaltin fil adrissabarrou lsidetkom banana fi qatar barou on9choulha chwaya 7ar9ouss 3ala chwaya 7inna ta3tikomech maketeb rabbi mil friiip louis viton elli 3andha ,5akhter wa9ila mekomech fehmin ela3ba fi touness . Ti mele5er dawwww777777i !!!

Samstag, 5. November 2011

Bint le5riji

Golna sellem , lyouma 3asbe7 9ritt article mta3 sayedet touness el oula el metrach7a lel majless tafsisi o5tokom Sou. 5riji . Sou 9altena elli fama barcha moundassin fil mojtama3 etounssi y7arthou 3al i3tisamet w legrévét wezedet 9altena ellènssè elli ybadiou bel bal3a w jupe el mini w fi fomhom sigarou m3andhoumch l7a9 y3atiou rayhom . Behi yesser ama z3ama ya Sou ki koent t3ich fi london w darkom bjnabha 100 tbarna w ki koent t7aouess fi Harrods énssé elli rithom lkol moundassin welli yetkayfou lkol fakitelhom essigarou wela koent t7ouess bjbayeb fi sakek welli tel9aha lebssa lmini tejri tosterha .... Fi beli enti w bouk snin wentom haw mo3tassmin haw mggarffin haw ji3anin ... Tawa elli ye3tassem ma3andouch l7a9 ..... Bennesba lel 7orreyet ejdida w 7ou9ou9 elmr2a elli ta7ki 3alihom , yothhorli fik ghalta fil mojtama3 5ahter ya lela fi tounes lemra 3andha el 7a9 fi ta3lim w esa7a mouch nesannaou fi bint le5riji bech tjibhouna w naou3eyet ensaé elli ta7kilna 3alihom melhom ella bnet tounes 7abbiti wela ma7bitich w mele5er haw bech nchoufouk enti wel 41 elli nhar kemel ta7kilna 3alihom bech thezhom m3ak lel majless tafssisi ech bech ta3mlou . Et surtt rodi belek tzid ta7kilna 3al mini wel bal3a 5ater wa9tha cha3bna yo9le9 daw777777iii!!

Freitag, 4. November 2011

blog jdid lugha jdida

bon yomkon barcha ness ken ta3ref annousayadi lblog lgdim tebeht a3l lblog hetha w lougha elli fih  ,lyouma b blog jdid w esmm jdid !! 3allech ?
 ya sidi 9bal ethouara kennet  elougha fil 7ouem cha3beya  'sa7bi wa9tech no5rjou min hal 7ofra'  haka bdet la7keya elli to3rthou ya7kilek a3l 7ofra w maadrak mal 7ofra , 7ofra kbira lammet ennes lkol me zaweli lel batal leli 3andou jagwar fi dar ama barcha nsaouha el 7ofra wa9tech wa9telli ness lkol wellet te7lem bech to5rej minha le 14 !! w wallit ki ndour wenesma3 sa7bi saleknaha ma3adech bech ntaoulou fil 7ofra 3agebnaha a3l 7affar ... heka a3llech a5tart leblog 7for jam3 7ofra !!
lougha jdida heya loughetna derja ha layemet barcha chedeinili ya ema fi ta3rib elougha  ya fi vous etes des froncophones ....9olna a3d bech maywelich takssir batata mil man haw blog louled echa3b bloughet echa3b   :) .
 Aya sidi mela mel youm blog bederja welli meyefhemchi ngouloulou daw7iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!